Showing posts with label Oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oil. Show all posts

Monday, January 3, 2022

Few Things to Know About Our Current Energy Transition from Fossil Fuels to Renewables.

In a discussion hosted by Bridgewater Associates (the world's largest hedge fund), Daniel Yergin discussed the current energy transition, geopolitics, and government. Daniel Yergin emphasizes a few things about our energy transition:

  • Energy transition to oil from coal took nearly a hundred years. 
  • Instead of trying to control oil supplies, now we are trying to control materials used in batteries and solar panels. Increasing lithium and cobalt prices pose a challenge for electric vehicles. 
  • Electric vehicles may need subsidies to make them affordable. 

Governments can offer subsidies, but the loss of revenue due to the subsidies need to be compensated by higher taxes, lower social benefits, or higher deficits. The world is grappling with excessive debt levels and does not have the flexibility to take on more deficit spending. Take the example of Japan, where the outstanding government bonds have crossed one thousand trillion yen for the first time.    

You can watch the Daniel Yergin discussion on YouTube.  

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

I am going to buy Total S.E. (NYSE: TOT) on any short-term weakness

Total S.E. is on Bank of America's Top Rated Stocks list. When I saw that name, I was intrigued. Why is an oil giant from Europe on this list? I have done my research and found out that they have a growing green energy portfolio for which they are not getting much credit now.  I am going to buy on any short-term weakness (below $45 may be a start) and put it away for a long time and keep collecting the dividend (6.6%).

(Source: Google)

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Disastrous Earnings at Dow Jones Industrial Average for the Latest Quarter

As of June 30, 2020, most of the companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) have already reported quarterly earnings . The pandemic induced recession and the oil price war waged by Saudi Arabia and Russia have ravaged the earnings of the companies in the index. The first quartile EPS growth rate for the DJIA was a negative 68%.  The third quartile EPS growth was just 5%.

Exhibit: Latest Quarter EPS Growth Rate for Companies in the DJIA
(Source: SECURFII)
Exhibit: Gains from 52-Week Low for Companies in the DJIA
(Source: SECURFII)

Given this earnings back drop the stocks have done remarkably well. The first quartile gain for stocks in the DJIA from their 52-week low was 35%. The third quartile gain was 62%.
Exxon Mobil had the biggest drop in EPS going from $0.53 in the previous quarter to a negative $0.7 in the latest quarter that ended June 2020. 
In fact 20 out of their 30 companies in the DJIA recorded negative EPS growth rates.
Exhibit: Earnings of some of the companies in the DJIA
(Source: SECURFII)
(Disclosure: I own XOM, CVX, DOW, and others in the DJIA) 

The Costco Paradox

What can we learn from the success of Costco? Summary: ...